View Full Version : Politicians challenge dismissals

07-17-2007, 05:30 PM
Members of the three major political parties in the DR, the PRD, PLD and PRSC, have come together to disassociate themselves from the recent dismissals of municipal employees and are asking for the practice to stop, on the grounds that it is illegal. The Secretary Generals of each party, Orlando Jorge Mera, Reinaldo Pared Perez and Victor Gomez Casanova say that the firings violate a municipal governance agreement that was signed by the parties in August 2006. Jorge Mera says that to date 22 dismissals have been confirmed and that some government employees, citing the recently approved bill that limits the power of the Dominican Municipal League (LMD), have begun to prematurely fire municipal employees. Jorge Mera explained that municipal authorities would remain in their posts through 2010. Last week the Chamber of Deputies voted to limit the power of the LMD and convert it into an advisory body.

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