View Full Version : Clinton visit

07-18-2007, 06:10 PM
Former United States President Bill Clinton visited the Dominican capital for a few hours yesterday, meeting with President Fernandez, the First Lady and various public health officials. Clinton was traveling as a representative of his foundation, and, as he said, "The objective of (my) visit is to look at how the children in the hospital (Robert Reid Cabral Children's Hospital) are getting along, to see how the medicines that are being administered are working, and to do a few tests." The former US chief executive told reporters that the Clinton Foundation has been helping "COPRESIDA for years and at this time we are donating US$60 for each child per year." Clinton's visit was aimed at pushing forward a pediatric program that is part of the efforts of the Clinton Foundation, Copresida, USAID and the Ministry of Public Health's program to assist the 33,000 children affected by HIV or AIDS. Newspaper reports have said that Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu has donated US$100,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation to fight HIV and AIDS around the world. Slim recently purchased the largest telecommunications operation in the DR.

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