View Full Version : CONEP and the Congress

07-18-2007, 06:10 PM
The National Business Council (CONEP) has rejected the changes to the Electricity Law currently making their way through Congress. The council suggested the creation of a series of companies for the transmission and retransmission of electricity as well as focusing the subsidy for the poorest barrios. CONEP president Lisandro Macarrulla was supported by Association of Industries (AIRD) president Manuel Diez Cabral, as well as by Marisol Vicens. According to the statement read by Macarrulla, Conep feels that the legislature has taken the IMF requirement of criminalizing energy theft as an excuse for introducing other changes to the law. The main complaint was that Congress did not consult either CONEP or the AIRD about the issues at hand. Macarrulla said that the energy crisis is not due to the text of the law, but rather to the lack of fulfillment of the law and the politicizing of energy matters by those in government. Another point was the fact that the Electricity Law (125-01) has only been in existence for six years and has not had time "to mature." Manuel Diez warned that the legislature has started to use a method of modifying the law without any public hearings, and this hurts the nation's institutionalism as well as the energy sector.

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