View Full Version : Hurricane supplement

07-18-2007, 06:10 PM
Today's El Caribe includes a very interesting supplement on hurricanes. Besides the normal guidelines about what to have at hand, who is in charge of emergency situations and other very useful information, the supplement also contains a map showing most of the hurricanes that have hit the Dominican Republic over the last one hundred years or so. The map clearly shows the areas most likely to suffer the brunt of a hurricane. This is good information for anyone who is worried about where to build or where to retire in safety. The supplement also provides lists of articles that are good to have at hand in case of a hurricane. For the Dominican Republic, the major hurricane activity has been registered in the months of August and September. However, there have been events in October and November, so attention to weather bulletins is always a good idea.
For more info on hurricanes in the DR, see http://www.dr1.com/weather/hurricanes.shtml

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