View Full Version : Pan Am update

07-19-2007, 06:30 PM
Power lifter Yinelis Burgos won a bronze medal at the Pan American games yesterday and will receive an RD$100,000 prize from the government for her success. Burgos lifted a total of 215 kilos. The government is awarding gold medal winners with RD$400,000, silver with RD$200,000 and bronze with RD$100,000.
The equestrian Ivonne Lozos de Muniz also won her second straight bronze medal in a Pan Am games. Yesterday's bronze medals were a dim light on what has turned out to be an overall disappointment for the DR at these games. Yesterday the Dominican baseball team was surprisingly eliminated from medal contention and the women's volleyball team, one of the world's leading teams, ended up in fifth place overall.

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