View Full Version : Fernandez in Constanza

07-20-2007, 07:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has inaugurated Constanza's newly remodeled airport. The airfield will operate for domestic flights and will also serve as an international airport for the export of cargo at a cost of RD$90 million. The airport has a 7,000-foot long runway, taxiway, hangar, control tower, buildings for offices and passengers, and a parking area for 80 vehicles. It will be known as the 14 de Junio Airport, commemorating the heroes who fought against former Dominican dictator Trujillo. The fertile valley is a major agricultural production center. Farmers have suffered from years of deterioration of Constanza's 51-km access road, despite the hundreds of millions of pesos that governments have poured into repairing it over the years.
At the inaugural event, the president of the Constanza Cluster, Rafael Collado Abreu complained about what he described as the indifference of Public Works Minister Freddy Perez to the repair of the road. Perez had argued in an interview with Diario Libre that the road had received normal maintenance efforts from his department. President Fernandez announced that he would set up a separate commission to look into the road and resolve the situation. In the meantime, the airport provides relief to the area's vegetable, fruit and flower producers. The government also inaugurated a 48-apartment public housing complex built by the National Housing Institute at a cost of RD$38 million.

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