View Full Version : Big money in city government

07-20-2007, 07:00 PM
The Dominican Municipalities Federation (FEDODIM) is alleging that the dismissal of 60 municipal officials is part of a corrupt business scheme in which posts have been sold to interested parties, forcing post holders to be fired in order to free up the positions. According to FEDODIM, some posts have been sold for between RD$400,000 and RD$500,000. FEDODIM president Julian Flete and many of the officials who were dismissed have come out and denounced the firings. Fired officials from Puerto Plata and Villa Isabela have said that their positions have already been filled, that a third position is on the verge of being filled and that replacements are determined according to whoever pays the most. The firing of municipal officials has become a hot topic recently. Last week the Chamber of Deputies voted to convert the Dominican Municipal League (LMD) in an advisory organization and many municipal officials then began to be fired. The move comes because the new law fixes municipal officials in their posts until 2010 and grants them ample decision making power over considerable resources previously handled by the LMD, making these very lucrative posts.

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