View Full Version : Interest rates might go up

07-25-2007, 05:40 PM
The Superintendent of Banks, Rafael Camilo has revealed that he feels that interest rates might well increase in the future. He told El Caribe reporters that "the current situation cannot continue forever." He said that the current interest rates are only transitory while the economy makes adjustments. He pointed out that the commercial banks are holding liquidity levels of up to 50% of assets, and this has to provoke a move to put this money to work. However, Camilo did not attempt to put a timeframe on his predictions, and limited himself to saying that the situation is fluid and will have to be resolved by the marketplace. He talked to reporters after a luncheon hosted by the Association of Industries of the DR (AIRD), where president Manuel Diez Cabral, expressed his worries about financing for new industries.

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