View Full Version : Court breaks monopoly

08-01-2007, 05:40 PM
A court in Santo Domingo has broken the National Health Insurance (SENASA) monopoly over all government employees. The Tax and Administrative Contentious Court ruled that SENASA's privilege was an illegal monopoly that reduced public servants to second-class citizens and deprived them of freedom of choice. The court ruled to dissolve Resolution #00112-2007 issued on 11 April 2007 by the Superintendent of Health and Labor Risks (SISALRIL). The court said that the SISALRIL resolution violated the principle of non-discrimination when it prevented the members of the University Employees Association from choosing their own health provider. The decision will have far-reaching repercussions since it will allow all government employees to choose their health providers, and the Dominican government is by far the nation's largest employer.

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