View Full Version : Law might become a dead letter

08-01-2007, 05:40 PM
The Caribbean Center for Economic Research (CIECA) is warning that the recent municipal law might become a dead letter if some sort of monitoring mechanism is not put into place. CIECA said that the municipal authorities, community leaders and political activists should form part of this watchdog group. At the same time, the study group wants the government to develop a strong socialization and training plan that will prepare the municipal authorities for the new responsibilities that the law entails. The center says that the law will strengthen municipalities and improve their capacity to assist the communities they serve, but they can only do this if they are trained and aware of their new roles. As a final warning, the center said that when the new law comes into effect on 16 August, the municipalities must be forced to undergo constant supervision and audits in order to reach optimum performance levels. Otherwise, according to the center, the law is a dead letter. Cieca pointed out that the law would allow the municipalities to design four-year development plans, and this means that they need training in this area.

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