View Full Version : Manzanillo falling apart

08-01-2007, 05:40 PM
The northwestern port of Manzanillo is falling apart according to its users, and the slightest accident could render it unusable for banana exports. Ninety percent of all bananas leaving the DR use this port facility. According to the members of the Northwest Line Association of Banana Producers, there is a possibility that some shippers will stop allowing their vessels to use the port. If they were to send their vessels to either Puerto Plata or Santo Domingo, there would be serious economic consequences for banana producers. Each week between 180,000 and 200,000 boxes of bananas leave Manzanillo for markets in Europe and the United States. In 2007, bananas could generate between US$50 and US$60 million. Sources have told DR1 that the dock at Manzanillo was built for much smaller vessels than the ones that are currently using the facility, and that the dock itself is in urgent need of refurbishing and possible reconstruction to meet the new standards. Osmar Benitez, spokesperson for the Agro-business Board (JAD), said that important contracts could be lost if the port facility is not upgraded. Benitez recalled that last year the Minister of Public Works, Freddy Perez and officials from the Dominican Port Authority visited the docks at Manzanillo but work has still not been completed. Listin Diario reminds its readers that several boats refused to dock at the wharf in 2006 and the crisis led the authorities to promise that they would hasten the repairs.

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