View Full Version : Business sector unhappy with SFS

08-02-2007, 02:30 PM
The business sector has voiced its dissatisfaction and surprise at the modifications to the Social Security Law that the Executive Branch sent to the Chamber of Deputies for prompt approval. Diario Libre reports that in a letter written to the Chamber of Deputies, AIRD, COPARDOM, ANJE, ADOZONA, AIREN and ASONAHORES and 32 other private business organizations state that the modifications to Social Security Law 87-01 are the "breakdown of the dialogue process and the consensus that is required by tri-partisan politics." The letter asks the authorities to reconsider the modifications to the law in order to maintain the peace and to protect the public. Diario Libre writes that the Chamber has the Law on its agenda today, but regardless of the opposition vote, it is almost a foregone conclusion that the modifications to the Law will be passed. The ruling PLD party holds the majority in Congress.

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