View Full Version : Election time inaugurations banned?

08-02-2007, 02:30 PM
Judge Aura Celeste Fernandez's proposal to modify the Central Electoral Board (JCE) rules would ban Dominican Presidents from inaugurating public works during the official three-month electoral campaign period. Presidents seeking re-election have traditionally campaigned by inaugurating public works during the final stretch of the campaign.
Judge Fernandez's also proposes to create a new and all-encompassing Department for Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns. The National Elections Department, which currently regulates the use of media outlets for electoral campaigns, would be placed under the Political Parties Department in this new structure. The Political Parties Department would take on the roles of the Administrative Chamber, which would be its subordinate. The Elections Department would also be dismantled. The JCE's presiding judge would have a more decisive role in the organization if Fernandez's proposal is approved. The Administrative Chamber is currently headed by Judge Roberto Rosario, the only judge reconfirmed from the previous JCE administration. Prior to her appointment to the JCE, Fernandez had recommended a clean sweep of all the JCE judges in the makeup of the new board.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)