View Full Version : No surprise: Deputies approve changes

08-03-2007, 03:00 PM
With a vote of 87 to 13, and 9 abstentions, the Chamber of Deputies has approved the modifications to Social Security Law 87-01. Diario Libre writes that a letter from the business sector was not taken into consideration during the process. Deputies also disregarded a PRSC proposal recommending other changes. In making its decision, the Chamber heeded advice from a special committee led by PLD Deputy Victor Terrero who considered that the changes submitted by the Executive Branch would guarantee the start of the government's health plan, the SFS, in September.
The lower chamber also approved four commercial bank loans for the Santo Domingo Metro. One US$94.3 million loan was approved with the Alstom Transport S.A. Company. Another US$12 million agreement was approved for the Sampol Ingeneria y Obras S.A., which will be in charge of supplying energy. A third agreement was signed with the Siemens AG, Siemens Holdings S.A. and a loan for US$99 million with Thales Transportation Systems S.A, which will install the mass transport system. Another loan contract for US$33 million was approved for purchases from the CIM TSO consortium, responsible for constructing the railways for the metro.
The Chamber also approved a US$10 million loan negotiated by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) that will be used for consolidating real estate jurisdiction. And finally the Chamber approved a bill that will facilitate payments from employers with outstanding debts with the Dominican Social Security System.

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