View Full Version : Dominicans for tests

08-07-2007, 04:50 PM
Listin Diario is reporting that 33 clinical research projects are currently under way in the DR. Dominicans are being tested with possible medicines for HIV/AIDS, diabetes, glaucoma, rotavirus, influenza and others. The control tests are supervised by the National Bioethics Health Council (CONABIOS). Miguel A. Montalvo, executive director of CONABIOS, said that children, women, the elderly and mentally impaired could not be used in these tests. Montalvo explained that since 2003, 50 requests have been received for permission to conduct experiments on humans and 80% of these have been approved, while 8% have been rejected and 12% have been denied and asked to reapply. Montalvo says that some research projects that don't comply with the institution's rules have been suspended and that requests must undergo a rigorous inspection process before reaching CONABIOS.

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