View Full Version : Bengoa and tourism

08-08-2007, 05:20 PM
Embroiled in the accusations made by presidential candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado who has accused the government of using the proceeds of the Petrocaribe Program for political propaganda, Treasury Minister Vicente Bengoa reminded reporters of the clause in the oil agreement that allows the Dominican Republic to pay Venezuela in goods and services if the cash is not available. Bengoa said that he would be traveling to Venezuela on Friday, accompanying President Fernandez to the III Petrocaribe Summit. Bengoa said that the DR could pay Venezuela in hotel services by sending tourists to the Dominican Republic. The Dominican government would pay the hotels for their stay in the DR. According to the Petrocaribe agreement, which postpones payment for petroleum imports, the Dominican Republic should begin paying Venezuela US$23 million in 2008. Bengoa wants the Venezuelan government to set up a tourism company that would send tourists to the DR in exchange for part of this money.

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