View Full Version : Leonel makes the most of trip

08-13-2007, 04:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has made the most of his trip to Venezuela. He has strengthened his political position during an election year; he has firmed up his stance in bi-lateral relations with Venezuela and he opened up some possibilities for new ways to pay off the growing petroleum bills by using tourism as a medium of exchange. Currently, the DR is paying just 60% of the bills and delaying payment on the other 40% for up to 25 years at 1% interest. Fernandez also let the rest of the Caribbean know about the DR's plans to increase the area dedicated to sugar cane cultivation for ethanol production, to reduce dependency on imported oil. According to Listin Diario, Fernandez is also looking at a potential shift in US foreign policy with the possible changing of the guard in the White House. According to reporter Guarionex Rosa, President Fernandez came away from the Petrocaribe Conference with the best of both worlds: Chavez is still his friend, and he did not offend the United States.

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