View Full Version : Footbridges need maintenance

08-13-2007, 04:30 PM
The footbridges along Maximo Gomez and 27 de Febrero and John F. Kennedy as well as the one in front of the Dario Contreras Hospital on the Las Americas Highway need maintenance, since they are showing high levels of disrepair and seem to collect more than their share of garbage. According to the Listin Diario, there is a lot of rust showing along the walkways of the relatively new pedestrian bridges. People that use these structures are demanding their repair and maintenance. The walkways are only three years old or less, with the one on Maximo Gomez and 27 de Febrero dating only to July 2004. Nonetheless, there is plenty of evidence of rusting and a general lack of maintenance has not detoured the deteriorating of the footbridges. According to the paper, the worst case is the walkway over the Las Americas Highway in front of the Dario Contreras Hospital where garbage is strewn about.

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