View Full Version : Natural gas for cars

08-15-2007, 05:10 PM
The use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for fuelling cars is just around the corner. According to El Caribe, the Linea Clave Company is working together with gasoline retailers on the preparations needed in the first ten stations that will sell CNG in the near future. Also under way is training and certification for the first ten workshops that will be allowed to install the initial 10,000 CNG conversion kits. The cost of making the switch is estimated at US$700 per vehicle. Natural gas is supposed to cost RD$16.36 per cubic meter. As a measure of comparison, 11 gallons of LPG (propane) represent 27m3 of CNG. At current prices, this represents a saving of over RD$100 for the vehicle owner. The system is protected by two proprietary chips that safeguard the engine and the vehicle owner against improper fuels. According to Linea Clave president, Ricardo Canalda, the use of CNG will allow the government to remove the current subsidy on propane gas.

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