View Full Version : 2 Club Girls

11-13-2005, 01:00 PM
Notice alot of hobbiest around here have had the doubles offered by Passions Massage, However I am wondering if anyone had any great experiences with Threesomes taken out from clubs like Classico or others.

Even if they are not into each other, maybe just a pse, without switching condoms between girls...

Just wanted to see if it was worth it. I see some of the candians on the board, and being that I have mongered in montreal for over 9 years now as well as the states (Where I am from) I will tell you that from what I have experiences threesomes have been mostly dissapointing.

Just wanted to put the question out there, before I waste $100.00+USD

Thanks in advanced.

11-13-2005, 01:02 PM
Max and I went to Franks in Puerto Plata. Took out three chicas for swapping. It cost 6,000 in total and was to last 11PM until 10AM. Overall, it went well.

Don Tomas
11-13-2005, 01:05 PM
Everyone seems to have different experiences.

A good rule of thumb is to find two chicas who are holding hands. They are definitely friends (but sometimes could be cousins/sisters).

I have had threesomes every which way...
Two girls, one condom.
Two girls, no condom.
Two girls, switch condoms.
Two girls into each other.
Two girls, one pretended to be asleep while I fucked the other (they were sisters).

Of course you can be "forceful" and just put it in the other girl without switching condoms. You are the man, you make the rules.

11-13-2005, 01:09 PM
Of course you can be "forceful" and just put it in the other girl without switching condoms. You are the man, you make the rules.

You got that right. Number one rule in the DR and everywhere else as well.

11-13-2005, 01:10 PM
Be forceful or they will think you are a sucker and weak. :(

11-14-2005, 03:00 AM
Be forceful...or you'll use at least a dozen condoms on a threesome. I learned that on my first night!!

02-13-2006, 06:31 AM
Be forceful...or you'll use at least a dozen condoms on a threesome. I learned that on my first night!!

That's what you get from fucking six times a night :)

02-13-2006, 07:26 AM
i think you should use a different word than forceful. definitely doesn't sound to good. Sounds like a special victim's unit episode.

The Sage
02-13-2006, 10:17 PM
I actually enjoy changing the condom. The key is to pound one into submission then take your time changing the condom so the other one understands what she's in for. Do this three or four times and you got your freak on big time. The only time I used one condom was with two sisters. Everytime I wanted to switch I'd say cambio. I still hang out with them on occassion and they still get a big laugh everytime I say cambio, cambio.

Mister NYC
02-13-2006, 11:47 PM
Aren't sisters just wonderful!

02-13-2006, 11:52 PM
mr NYC...the villa on your site is located just northeast of the german baker at the end of a cul-de-sac...correct?

pretty much directly north of the tradewinds?

The Sage
02-14-2006, 12:38 AM
This thread made me realize that one reason I keep going back to the DR is the potential for a happy hour. I just love the element of surprise. See most chicks believe that if they do a happy hour they do less work so it's easy enough to shave 500 pesos or more off the individual price. Then you surprise them by having them do more work in the happy hour than they typically do solo.

One of my more memorable experiences were two friends who gladly excepted a 1,000 pesos each after an initial quote of 2,000 sola. An hour into the experience the more vocal of the two starts complaining that they were working to hard for too little money. Of course this starts after she had come. Well she's lying at the head of the bed complaining and I'm pounding her buddy from behind at the foot of the bed. Her friend was oblivious to the conversation. She was concentrating too much on getting that ass in the air so she could get her groove on. Eventually her friend gave up her complaining and simply marveled at the sight of her buddy giving her all trying to get her nut. Well she got what she wanted and more.

Then there were another two sisters who are so fine you would not believe it. Best 3,000 pesos I ever spent. That was year and a half ago and I'm still hitting them individually to this day. Mr NYC knows of who I speak.

Not to forget the afternoon happy hour with Jessica and Millie two of the finest women to ever work at Bohen. Jessica was a tall morena claro with that domincan slim slightly wide hipped build. Mille was a 5' 6" blanca with blond hair who was built like a brick shit house. I will never forget the look on the faces of the guys sitting around the Palace pool when they showed up. I was definitely the man that day. I had asked Millie up for a afternoon session and she brought Jessica with her because she, Jessica, had nothing better to do. Surprised the shit out of me. 2,800 pesos for an experience that would have easily cost $600 in the states. What a wonderful fuckin country.

Don Tomas
02-14-2006, 03:40 AM
Aren't sisters just wonderful!

Best of all my sisters were "free"!
I sent them to a Santiago salon, RD$600 for both.
I bought them two lunches and one dinner (local eats).
Brought them to Krispy concert where it was Damas Gratis.
They both drank Presidente!
I had them for two nights!

I consider that free.

The Sage
02-14-2006, 08:44 AM
Don, that's about as close to free as you're going to get.

Correction on my story Jessica and Mille cost me 4,000 pesos. It was about $110. I recall this because after turning down (I did not have the stength) their offer to return the next day (anyone familar with Bohen knows that when chicks live on the premises there's not much for them to do during the day) I offered them 1,500 pesos apiece a few days later and Jessica balked.

02-14-2006, 08:49 AM
Beas never had sisters but had a couple of 3somes...

02-14-2006, 09:57 AM
I did a threesome in Cuba my first trip. It was a bit of a mistake, as the girls were not into each other and it was more like two twosomes. One of the girls was a lot of fun and as she felt bad for not performing as expeted she popped by for some afternoon delight the next day. All it cost was the rubber :)

In the future I will clarify these issues up front!

02-14-2006, 02:35 PM
Don Tomas,

"Two girls no condom"

Surely you must be joking ! If you are fucking these 'hos with no rubber, you are obviously suicidal !!

You gotta be joking, no way anyone would be naive enough to bang a 'ho, third world or otherwise, without protection !!!

Bug Boy
02-14-2006, 02:47 PM
Don, that's about as close to free as you're going to get.

Correction on my story Jessica and Mille cost me 4,000 pesos. It was about $110. I recall this because after turning down (I did not have the stength) their offer to return the next day (anyone familar with Bohen knows that when chicks live on the premises there's not much for them to do during the day) I offered them 1,500 pesos apiece a few days later and Jessica balked.

Sage, your words are masterful. Every now and then Bohen has a few stunners.

The best happy hours are when you least expect it and the girls are into each other. I had a couple girls doing the "i dont want her condom to touch me" nonsense

02-15-2006, 08:40 PM
"Two girls no condom"

Don't worry about it man . . . you ain't gonna catch nuthin that death won't cure ! !

:eek: :stupid: :eek:

Freak In Black
02-16-2006, 11:12 PM
I stood up a "happy hour" my last time, because I wasn't sure what it was. I thought it was code for Short Time.

I think I was drunk.

And to think...I'm going on my 4th time. (Note..I didn't start reading this board until my 2nd trip and really reading it the last time.) Of course I know now.

02-22-2006, 10:20 PM
the next time i goto DR I'm def getting a 3 some!

02-24-2006, 05:30 PM

03-09-2006, 06:30 PM
So if you take home three girls does that make it a happy hour-and-a-half or just a very happy hour?

03-09-2006, 06:37 PM
try it you will like it.
i had one years ago with my SO and her then best friend.
since then its been all p4p.
had two sessions at new years with different pairs and they can be a lot of fun

03-10-2006, 11:54 AM
Well, all I can say is that my four-some in Brazil was amazing and they were really into each other because I had the 1st pick the 2nd and they both picked the 3rd. (I didn't care - they were all fine as hell - both times lol)

Now a days I settle for three-somes, because pleasing 3 women is a lot of work - Ha ha ha.

But seriously, I learned to let the girl pick the other and you will have good results. No complaints on chicas from Classicos or the bars.

03-10-2006, 02:19 PM
exactly... always have the girl pick the other girl... Or go to Franks in POP... watch the lesbian shows and pick the two girls performing like i did...


Just a lil sneak peak at what you can get...

03-10-2006, 09:34 PM
Damn Beas . . . Frank's chicas get more pussy then we do ! !

3 weeks from right about now . . . we gonna be drinkin ! ! and smilin ! !

03-20-2006, 12:50 AM
i think you should use a different word than forceful. definitely doesn't sound to good. Sounds like a special victim's unit episode.

I agree with you on that.

Don Tomas
03-25-2006, 06:32 AM
Don Tomas,

"Two girls no condom"

Surely you must be joking ! If you are fucking these 'hos with no rubber, you are obviously suicidal !!

You gotta be joking, no way anyone would be naive enough to bang a 'ho, third world or otherwise, without protection !!!


I march by a different drum beat, sorry for the late reply but my father died the day after you posted this.

First of all they are from a club that requires REAL monthly tests, if they fail for any reason the are fired and then they have to go to Sosua or BC to work.

And statistically the chances of a hetrosexual male getting aids from vaginal intercourse the odds are so low I have a much better chance of winning the Powerball lottery! Plus I am sterile so no worries about a little Don Tomas Jr. running around.

Would I bareback a Blackbeards or Sosua chica? Not a fucking chance in the world!

PS. They are still working at the same club and this is about 6 months after the fact. I consider it just as good as going to the doctor myself for tests. Trust me when one of those two girls gets fired then I will panic.

03-25-2006, 09:50 AM
jdr damn thats 6000 pesos for 3 girls all night that like 60 us each u cant beat that shit - i never did a threesome yet cant wait to do it and omg i can imagine doint it with sisters that must be awesome

03-27-2006, 10:29 PM

Anna the bikini chica does "Happy Hours". Just an FYI!


03-28-2006, 08:43 PM

Anna the bikini chica does "Happy Hours". Just an FYI!

Nomad i understand that but she's not really into chicas. for a happyhour i want the chicas into each other BIGtime :)

also her phone numbers don't work anymore...atleast the ones i have :(

04-18-2006, 05:08 AM
hey, what clubs are the ones that test