View Full Version : Fernandez faces new challenges

08-16-2007, 05:50 PM
On occasion of the start of the fourth year in office of President Leonel Fernandez begins his fourth year in office Temple University Sociology Professor Rosario Espinal analyzes the challenges ahead, as reported in Hoy. Espinal believes that while Fernandez's popularity will continue to erode in coming months, his political positioning is strong enough for him to be re-elected in May 2008.
On the positive side, she highlights that the country has attained a level of economic stability, despite the heavy foreign debt, inherited from the days of banking collapse under the past administration and increased by his own administration.
She says that the burden of debt burden, accumulated inflation and increases in taxation are the reasons why the population in general does not feel their personal finances are improving.
She says that improvements in quality of life haven't been noticed because of higher taxes and continuing inflation, adding that the challenge for the President would be to make some moves that have an impact on society.
Corruption was also a topic of Espinal's speech. She said that this administration has been weak in fighting corruption even though it was a main point in the 2004 campaigns. She says there has just been "more of the same."
Finally Espinal says that more social policies aimed at helping the public were needed, as well as a need for restructuring state sponsored services.

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