View Full Version : Vargas speaks out

08-16-2007, 05:50 PM
The PRD presidential candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado, usually known as a man of few words, added his two cents when he blasted President Leonel Fernandez's current administration. Vargas, quoted in Hoy described Fernandez's first three years in office as incompetent, inefficient and full of unfulfilled promises. Vargas said that the current situation isn't going to be fixed by changing government officials, but by removing the PLD from government, saying that the party had fallen short of expectations since they were voted into power in 2004. Vargas added that in the areas of health and education, instead of moving forward the country has taken a retrograde step and said that investment in public works has only been concentrated in two or three projects while the barrios and the provinces have been abandoned. Vargas said that the current administration has violated laws and that the government's three fiscal reforms have only resulted in bankrupting various sectors of the Dominican economy.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)