View Full Version : A RD$450,000 pension

08-16-2007, 05:50 PM
Clave newspaper is questioning Leonardo Matos Berrido's work at the helm of the National Housing Bank (BNV). Last week, the newspaper criticized the fact that in the course of his two year term Matos Berrido has increased his wages from the RD$175,000 earned by his predecessor to more than RD$500,000 and awarded himself a life pension worth RD$450,000 upon leaving the organization. The pension plan terms establish that in the event of his death, his wife would inherit his pension.
Today's edition of the newspaper reports that the BNV's earnings as of 31 December 2004 were RD$613 million. A year later they had declined to RD$230 million and by 31 April 2007 they were down to RD$35 million.
The newspaper has published several reports questioning recent deals at the BNV under Matos Berrido's management.
The newspaper points out that Matos Berrido has refused to respond to requests for an interview with the newspaper, and instead has chosen to publish pages on his work at the BNV in local newspapers. The BNV paid for the advertisements.
Matos Berrido is known to be a PRSC party member who is allied with the ruling PLD party.

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