View Full Version : The smell of politics

08-21-2007, 04:40 PM
At the start of his fourth year in office, at a time when press reports are clamoring for changes in the cabinet because of corruption, President Leonel Fernandez has responded by appointing people known to have strong ties to groups within the PRSC, PRI and PRD parties, as well as the PLD's Jaime David Fernandez faction. "Judging by where many of the new appointees are coming from, it is apparent that the winds favor the President's political project," writes Diario Libre in its front-page story today, implying that the government is gearing up for reelection.
Freddy Majluta, brother of the late PRD Vice President and short-term President Jacobo Majluta (who took over as President following the death of President Antonio Guzman), has been appointed as director of Corpohotel, which manages government hotels and properties and is a division of the Ministry of Tourism. The late Jacobo Majluta and several of his family members originally left the PRD, citing ideological differences, and went on to found the PRI. Interestingly enough, Freddy Majluta took out an ad in today's newspapers renouncing his affiliation with the PRD and throwing his support towards Fernandez.
The President also appointed Angela Pena, daughter of former Mayor of Santo Domingo and PRD strongman Jose Francisco Pena Gomez, as deputy director in charge of Border Development (Desarrollo Fronterizo). Once a PRD member, later a dissident, former congressman Rafael Peguero Mendez was appointed to head INDESUR, the development organization in the Southwest.
From the PRSC factions, the President appointed Hector Rodriguez Pimentel to head the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDHRI).
PLD man Omar Ramirez was promoted to the post of Minister of Environment. Previously, he was deputy minister in charge of planning. Sometimes controversial former Environment Minister Max Puig was appointed to the post of Presidential advisor on environmental issues. Omar Ramirez is known to be a supporter of former Vice President Jaime David Fernandez's faction within the PLD. Jaime David Fernandez has announced that he will campaign for President Leonel Fernandez's re-election.
Another member of his faction, Melanio Paredes, formerly at INFOTEP, was promoted to Minister of Industry and Commerce.
Other appointments include the lesser-known Victor Diaz Rua who was appointed to the post of Minister of Public Works, replacing Freddy Perez who was appointed as an advisor to the President.
Norge Botello, who is ill, was appointed minister without portfolio.
Frank Rodriguez was appointed to head the Aqueducts Department (INAPA) and Mariano German Mejia, brother of Education Minister Alejandrina German and a former Attorney General during a first Fernandez administration, is now the director of the Water and Sewer Authority (CAASD). Marcio Veloz Maggiolo is the new director of the Museum of Dominican Man.

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