View Full Version : Gallup poll gets responses

08-21-2007, 04:40 PM
The negative nature of the results of the recent Gallup-Hoy poll on the last three years of President Leonel Fernandez's presidency weren't enough to stop Economic, Planning and Development Minster Temistocles Montas from saying that if elections were to be held today, the PLD and its candidate Leonel Fernandez would win. Speaking in San Cristobal, Montas said that the PLD is conducting its own polls throughout the country and that these are always accurate.
Meanwhile, the PRD's Orlando Jorge Mera and the PRSC's Luis Toral say that the results of the Gallup poll reflect their opinions of the PLD's record to date, which they say has had only had negative consequences for the public. Mera and Toral say that the poll shows just how unhappy the public is with the current administration and Fernandez. Jorge Mera said that the PLD should use the results to reflect and change some of its economic policies.

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