View Full Version : Political musical chairs

08-22-2007, 05:20 PM
The latest batch of Presidential decrees has prompted headlines in all today's newspapers. Most of the articles discuss how the President has recruited members of opposition parties or nearly non-existent parties to fill a plethora of posts, some of which called for creative thinking, particularly the Presidential Gastronomic Advisor. Curiously, the two most controversial personalities, chef Mike Mercedes, the recipient of the above-mentioned title and former professional wrestler Rafael Sanchez, known professionally as Jack Veneno, were both late in arriving for the swearing-in ceremony at the Presidential Palace. Other, more important jobs were shuffled about among the party faithful. Freddy Perez became a Special Presidential Advisor with the rank of a Minister of State, and his substitute, Victor Diaz Rua left his job at the National Water Institute (INAPA) to take over the Public Works Ministry. Frank Rodriguez moved into Diaz Rua's old office, and left the National Institute for Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI) to Hector Rodriguez Pimentel. Former Minister of Environment Max Puig also became a Presidential Advisor on environmental issues, with the rank of a Minister of State, and his portfolio was given to Omar Ramirez. Over in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce offices, Melanio Paredes was moving in after leaving his former post at the Institute for Professional Training (INFOTEP) for which he has gotten good reviews.
President Fernandez appointed Agustin Encarnacion Montero to direct the National Population and Family Council (Conapofa).
Elias Wessin Chavez, leader of the PQD minority party, a PLD ally, was named as manager of the National Property Department (Bienes Nacionales.) He occupied several posts during the Mejia administration, including director general of the Passport Department.
Also, Pedro Corporan was appointed president-manager of the Cooperatives Institute (IDECOOP).

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