View Full Version : More reactions to the decrees

08-22-2007, 05:20 PM
Diario Libre reporter Hector Marte Perez filed a report compiling reactions from the Young Entrepreneurs' Association (ANJE) as well as pointing out some inconsistencies in past Presidential speeches. Marte Perez observed that during the 2004 campaign Leonel Fernandez insisted on a reduction in government expenditure, but more and more deputy ministers, advisors and assistants have been added to the Presidential payroll during the last three years. At the beginning of his term, Fernandez appointed nearly one hundred vice-ministers, including 11 vice-ministers in the Interior and Police Ministry, eight in the Ministry of Youth, seven in Tourism and six in Public works. The President has also elevated some jobs to the rank of Minister of State; for example, the Superintendent of Insurance, the director general of the Metro project, the president of the Dominican Refinery board of directors, and the directors of ProComunidad and the Institute for Price Stabilization. Yesterday, ANJE pointed out that the government has not fulfilled its obligation to reduce its expenditure as required under Law 497-06 and which formed the government's share of the RD$17.5 billion "fiscal correction". Joel Santos was quoted as saying that most of the government's personnel changes have not come by way of substitution, but rather through the creation of new posts, and this is of concern to his association.

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