View Full Version : Aggregate extraction ban maintained

08-23-2007, 05:40 PM
Newly appointed Environment Minister Omar Ramirez said he will enforce Resolution 16-007 that bans the extraction of construction materials like sand and gravel from Dominican rivers. Ramirez was deputy minister in charge of planning under his predecessor Max Puig who was appointed environmental advisor to the President. Ramirez said that he took part in the decision to ban the practice. For years, environmentalists have been saying that extraction is drying out the country's rivers and affecting fresh water supply to the population.
Under the first Fernandez administration, Ramirez was director of the Parks Department, the Ministry of Environment's precursor.
He said that the Environmental Police chief has been sent to the Nizao River to evaluate the damage and stop further extraction work from taking place. Residents in the area have complained that extraction trucks are covertly operating at night.

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