View Full Version : It pays to be a legislator

08-23-2007, 05:40 PM
It pays to be a legislator, in the DR, anyway. Diario Libre writes that Dominican legislators have higher salaries than legislators in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico and compete with the salaries of legislators in Europe, who are among the world's highest paid.
Congressmen receive a basic wage of RD$125,000, RD$50,000 in expenses, RD$25,000 for expenses and a RD$3,500 per diem every time they attend a session, for about RD$203,500 a month, or US$6,166 a month. But to that, one must add the RD$400,000 to RD$900,000 (US$12,000-US$27,000) provincial fund over which they have discretionary power. This brings wages from US$18,000 to US$33,000. The legislators are considering giving themselves a 100% wage increase, to bring their basic salary to RD$250,000 a month, more in line with high-ranking officials' salaries in the Fernandez government.
The numbers could be even higher. Clave Digital notes that in addition, senators have access to a Senate Budgetary Allocation Fund (Fondo de las Asignaciones Presupuestales del Senado) that provides them with RD$25,000 for an image advisor, RD$60,000 for assistants, RD$30,000 for a secretary, RD$15,000 for an assistant secretary, RD$10,000 for a messenger, RD$15,000 for two drivers, RD$45,000 for a project advisor, RD$37,000 for four security staff, for a total additional allocation of RD$371,000 a month per senator.
Diario Libre points out that according to a recent report in Spanish newspaper El Mundo, an Italian legislator makes EUR12,000 plus benefits for a monthly EUR25,000. Spanish legislators receive US$6,400 a month, including benefits. In Brazil, legislators earn US$11,448 a month. In Chile, the wage is US$7,568 and in Colombia it is US$7,600 a month.

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