View Full Version : Political musical chairs pt. II

08-23-2007, 05:40 PM
The new round of government appointments continued on Wednesday as President Leonel Fernandez appointed Major General Vinicio Adolfo Hernandez Mendez as director of Police internal affairs, replacing Major General Daysi Antonia Liriano Paulino. Retired Major General Raul Almonte Lluberes was appointed director of the National Police reserves, replacing Brigade General Guarionex Duval Feliz.
He also appointed Julio Cesar Arias Mota as deputy minister of Labor. Arias Mota served as prosecutor and a PRD deputy with links to the party's Rafael Subervi Bonilla faction.
President Fernandez also appointed former director of the Santo Domingo Water Corporation (CAASD), Richard Martinez as the Executive Branch advisor on potable water and the Presidency's environment cabinet coordinator.

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