View Full Version : Fishermens' bodies recovered

08-23-2007, 05:40 PM
Rescue crews have recovered the missing two bodies of five men who drowned when their boat capsized after they chose to go fishing on Sunday in the lake at the Tavera Dam, despite the nationwide hurricane warning. The fishermen were from Santiago province. Three men survived the accident. Boat captain Danilo Antonio Valdez, one of the survivors, said that a strong rain shower accompanied by strong winds fell suddenly, resulting in the boat capsizing. He said that the men who survived did so because they were good swimmers. Ten teams of divers worked on this dramatic operation. Another man died when he was swept away by a wave after getting dangerously close to the shore on the Las Americas Highway when spectacular waves were hitting the coastline, bringing the total DR death toll to six as a result of Hurricane Dean, which passed about 160 kms south of the DR.

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