View Full Version : Tech centers opened in VA and Santiago

08-29-2007, 05:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez and First Lady Margarita Cedeno spent most of yesterday performing inaugurations and cutting ribbons. In Villa Altagracia (VA) and Santiago, the First Family inaugurated two hi-tech community centers that will provide Internet access to large sections of the population. Called Community Technological Centers (CTS), each one has 30 computer terminals that are free for the public. These two new CTSs bring to 42 the number of these centers created by the First Lady's Office. According to Hoy, the new centers cost RD$25 million. According to First Lady Margarita Cedeno, the centers are part of a governmental plan to "give equal access to educational opportunities as well as entertainment". She continued by saying that each computer terminal can become a classroom for each student, depending on interests and needs. Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez reminded the students attending the ceremonies that basic levels of education were available on-line, and a virtual high school program was also available for what she termed "bachinet", a play on the Spanish words for high school graduate and the Internet. Degrees earned on the Internet within the government's programs will receive certificates from the Ministry of Education.
While in Santiago, President Leonel Fernandez headed the inauguration ceremony for the new Multiuse Building on the PUCMM main campus in Santiago. The huge structure, built at a cost of RD$208 million, was financed by the university, the private sector and the government. During his keynote speech, the President highlighted the government's debt load as a major roadblock for more government investment in education. The presidential speech was titled "Digital revolution, the basis of the new education". Fernandez denied that his government was responsible for the massive public debt. He said that the national strategy for being competitive enables the nation to assist Haiti, since the DR cannot progress if Haiti is ever mired in poverty. He talked about the reactivation of the industrial free zones and reported that three such companies that had moved to China have announced that they are returning to the Dominican Republic.

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