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View Full Version : Jorge Mera goes to OAS

09-04-2007, 04:40 PM
Orlando Jorge Mera has gone to the Organization of American States (OAS) claiming that President Leonel Fernandez is using public funds for his presidential campaigns and adds that the President is responsible for the deterioration of institutionalism in government. He says that an example of this was when he used public funds in his campaign against then presidential hopeful Danilo Medina. Mera also accused the President of undermining the democratic process and handed OAS country representative Paul D. Durand a document highlighting the PRD's concerns. Durand says he will pass on the documents to OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C. The document focuses on the creation of 40 new political posts, in violation of the government's austerity law, as well as the use of inauguration events for presidential campaigning. The Secretary says that the creation of these posts, which were filled by opposition party members, was done with the purpose of strengthening the President's re-election campaign. Jorge Mera has also asked the OAS to monitor the 2008 presidential elections.

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