View Full Version : A daring political strategy

09-04-2007, 04:40 PM
Public Works Supervisor for the Presidency, Felix Bautista, recognized as one of the leading campaign strategists for President Leonel Fernandez's re-election campaign explained what's behind the wave of government appointments of third tier politicians. As he explains in a contribution to El Caribe newspaper, it is all about a show of "daring politics". He explains they are reprising a similar strategy of strengthening ties with minority forces, which has worked for the PLD in the past. Bautista says they are relying on the minority party vote to win in a first round. "Now, for the May 2008 election campaign, President Fernandez, continuing with the process of reaching out to minority forces begun in 2003, has achieved that the PQDC, PRN, PUN, PPC, PDP and PNVC with an estimated combined total of 105,942 voters (2004 election), equivalent to 2.93% of the total of valid votes, participate with the PLD in a grand national coalition," he writes. The PLD is already relying on the support of the BIS, APD, PTD, UDC, PLRD and FNP, with 292,494 votes, equivalent to 8.1% of the valid votes, that together with the vote of PRSC leaders under the Progressive Block, led to the PLD's victory in the May 2004 election with 57.11%, he explains.
Now, adding up those and the new minority party votes, for 11.03%, with the 44% the polls grant the PLD, is enough for a 55.03% win in the first round. He explains with the support of these parties, the photo of the candidate of the PLD would be in 13 voting ballots. "The incorporation of important figures to the PLD's presidential project together with its 12 allied parties, is a demonstration of political daring," he concludes.
www.elcaribecdn.com/... (http://www.elcaribecdn.com/articulo_multimedios.aspx?id=135816&guid=348CE4D1D8874F52AF199C8303846681&Seccion=134)
Victor Martinez writes in the El Nacional opinion page yesterday on Felix Bautista's new role in government.
"The supervisor of public works of the state is not only the man whom President Leonel Fernandez has entrusted with the construction of most of the works he is inaugurating, but he is also played a key role in recruiting the support of opposition party members and known personalities," he writes, citing sources in the Presidential Palace.
He explains that the office that Bautista directs has undertaken many works that previously would have been entrusted the Ministry of Public Works. "This officer [Bautista], together with Diandino Pena, director of the Transport Reorganization Office (OPRET), are the executing arms of the government in regards to construction, relegating the Ministry of Public Works," he explains. "Even though he does not appear much on TV, over recent months, this officer has carried out work similar to that former Secretary of the Presidency, Danilo Medina," he writes. "This is the man that gets things done for the President. When the President wants a community work to get done, he entrusts it to Felix Bautista" He also explains that the Presidency has assigned the construction of the Internet high tech centers throughout the nation to Bautista.

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