View Full Version : Lawyers: billions in compensation

09-04-2007, 04:40 PM
Lawyers representing the Central Bank and Superintendence of Banks are demanding 6 to 20 years in jail and compensation payments worth RD$100 billion, plus a RD$2.5 million fine for the accused in the Baninter case, as reported in Clave Digital. They are also demanding the confiscation of all assets owned by the accused, including the Editora Listin Diario and Editora Ultima Hora that had been excluded from the conclusions presented last week in the special banking expert prosecutors' closing arguments. The state prosecution case against bank executives and advisors Ramon Baez Figueroa (20 years jail plus RD$2.5 million fine), Marcos Baez Cocco, Jesus Maria Troncoso Ferrua, Vivian Lubrano de Castillo (six years jail and RD$2.5 million fine) and Luis Alvarez Renta (20 years jail and RD$2.5 million fine) continues today.
The lawyers also asked the court to order Baez Figueroa, Vivian Lubrano and Marcos Baez to pay RD$45 billion in compensation to the Central Bank, and RD$50 million to the Superintendence of Banks. Likewise, they should pay RD$18.7 billion to Baninter, along with Alvarez Renta who should pay RD$5.6 billion, for a total of more than RD$63 billion among the accused.
The trial now moves to the presentation of closing arguments by the defense, which are due to start today.
The Central Bank accused the Baninter executives of fraud in 2003, which lead to a fiscal deficit of RD$55 billion, and consequential spiral of devaluation and inflation that is said to have impoverished 1.5 million Dominicans. At present, the Central Bank authorities estimate the cost of the fraud at more than RD$74 billion.

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