View Full Version : Tragic bus accident

09-04-2007, 04:40 PM
A 36-year old bioanalyst, Antonia Castro Vargas, who was on her way to work from here home in Villa Mella, was thrown from a public commuter bus and died instantly of severe head injuries at 6:30am yesterday. The accident took place at the corner of San Martin and Ortega y Gasset Avenues, as reported in El Nacional. The woman had just boarded the bus and had not had time to take her seat when the crash occurred. Castro was carrying RD$35, a credit card, makeup, perfume and two photographs. The front of the bus was completely destroyed.
The accident has caused outrage as fellow passengers reported that the bus driver was racing another Fenatrano bus along the route. His reckless driving led him to cross a red light, and then crash into a car, finally coming to a halt at a lamppost.
The car passengers escaped injury thanks to functioning airbags. Sister Isaura Martinez, of the Marillac School located at the site of the accident, said that if it had occurred a little later it would have caused a larger-scale tragedy because of the large number of people who congregate near the entrance of the school. She told El Nacional that the accident was a crime because bus drivers "show an incredible lack of respect for life". She complained that AMET officers were ineffectual in confronting this behavior. El Nacional says the comment of the day was AMET agents and their alleged permissiveness towards public transport vehicle drivers.
The new director of AMET, General Latif Miguel Mahfoud Rodriguez said this accident is a criminal act. He instructed agents to act drastically against drivers that cross a red light, as reported in the Listin Diario.

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