View Full Version : Educational gap = social gap

09-05-2007, 05:10 PM
The president of the National Council for Private Business (CONEP), Lisandro Macarrulla, warns that the poor quality of public education in the Dominican Republic has contributed to a sort of social segregation that only intensifies the economic differences. As the keynote speaker at the Business Forum for Quality Education, Macarrulla pointed to studies that show that children from the top 20% of the social scale end up receiving fifteen times more educational input than the lowest 20%. According to Macarrulla, this is due to deficiencies in public policy as well as deficiencies within society itself. The business sector is not exempt from some responsibility for this situation, and the root cause is the bad quality of public education. As a way of solving this problem, Macarrulla suggested that the government should comply with the law and assign 5% of the GDP to education with 4% going to the Ministry of Education and 1% going to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.
To emphasize his points, Macarrulla cited a study by the World Bank (WB) that indicated that while Dominicans go to school for 12 years, they only finish with an eighth grade level education. In effect, they lose four years. Macarrulla also spoke out about the state of the country's public education, saying that research has shown that it is one of the least efficient systems in the Caribbean region.
The CONEP executive joined with Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado in expressing his feeling that education was too important an issue to be left in the hands of the government. The Forum for Educational Excellence is an initiative by CONEP, the American Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), the Foundation for Institutionalism and Justice (Finjus), the group Action for Basic Education (Educa), the Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), and the Dominican Confederation of Small and Medium-sized Businesses (Codopyme).

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