View Full Version : Fiscal reform wasn't necessary

09-06-2007, 05:50 PM
Leading executives of the Association of Industries of the DR (AIRD) have criticized government overspending in violation of the 2007 Austerity Law in an interview with Hoy newspaper. Manuel Diez, president; Ligia Bonetti, vice president and Circe Almanzar, executive director said that increased taxation and spending could bring about an economic crisis. They said that the government should instead of increasing taxes, continue to make tax collections more efficient.
They point out that the government's last fiscal reform wasn't necessary, going by government revenue surpluses so far this year. Diez pointed to the subsequent removal of increases in license plate renewal fees and alcohol and tobacco taxes stipulated in the January 2007 reform. He said that even without those taxes, government revenues are still comfortably over budget.
Circe Almanzar questioned the fact that the government asks the IMF for special dispensations from complying, but has not done so when levying new taxes on the population. She also criticized the lack of accountability in government, which she said only applies in theory but not in practice.
Meanwhile, Bonetti says that politicians should be obliged to reveal their government plans so that the people can then demand their fulfillment once they are elected.

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