View Full Version : Mejia says Soto "sold out"

09-12-2007, 05:10 PM
Former President Hipolito Mejia told reporters from the nation's newspapers that his Minister of the Armed Forces, Jose Miguel Soto Jimenez, "sold out" to current President Leonel Fernandez. This announcement comes on the heels of several meetings between the former minister and President Fernandez. Soto Jimenez, who was a minister for all four years of the Mejia administration, was known to have been a staunch supporter of the PRD party, until the recent meetings. The Mejia attack did not receive any denial from the former general who limited his comments to restating his "friendship" and "appreciation" to the former President.
Later, on the Nuria and Huchi Lora afternoon talk show, Soto Jimenez said that there was no political agreement between himself and President Fernandez. In fact, said Soto Jimenez, "he did not ask me to support him." According to the general, all he did was attend the 55th Conversational Get Together of the Fifth Republic Foundation, "just like 46 other political leaders have done."
When told that Soto Jimenez had said that while he appreciated President Mejia's friendship, he had "no political commitments to President Mejia," the former President told reporters "four years of being the Minister of the Armed Forces, do you want more commitment than that? What more do you want, that is a lot."
Soto Jimenez, who is the president of the Fifth Republic Foundation, had praise for President Leonel Fernandez and his quest for a third term of office in an event organized by the foundation this week.

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