View Full Version : Not working; no problem

09-13-2007, 05:50 PM
It is a common practice in the Senate for senators to sign for attending a commission meeting, and then not attend the meeting, Hoy reports. By signing, the senators accrue the RD$2,400 per meeting stipend.
Environmental Commission head Ruben Dario Cruz (PLD-Hato Mayor) complained that many times he has a full list of attending senators and when it is time to start the session, he is the only one attending.
A senator's base salary is RD$125,000 plus RD$50,000 for representation expenses, RD$25,000 for housing, RD$25,000 for per diem, RD$3,500 for expenses and RD$2,400 for each commission meeting. Senators also receive RD$400,000-RD$1 million per month in funds to be used at their discretion to support their community activities.

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