View Full Version : Fuel prices force changes

09-17-2007, 04:40 PM
The ever-increasing price of fuel has forced Dominicans and foreign residents alike to make changes in their daily lives. In most cases, movement has been reduced to the absolutely essential, reducing the normal frequency of family visits and nights on the town. And these might be just two of the more obvious changes. Salesmen have seen their travel costs double over the last three years. Trips to the supermarket are fewer and closer to home. So far in 2007, gasoline has climbed by 25%. Even students are reporting that fewer people are willing to give them lifts, and many people switch off the air conditioning when waiting in traffic jams. Drivers told El Caribe that switching from gasoline to diesel was just the first step, and many are looking towards natural gas as a possible solution. And, finally, many people are learning to car-pool as a way of saving fuel.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)