View Full Version : The man of the cross is at it again

09-18-2007, 05:30 PM
Angel Sosa, who made headlines for his pilgrimage on foot carrying a heavy cross to Santo Domingo in a bid for public works for his hometown, Dajabon, is at it again. This time the Police arrested him for disrupting traffic at the Plaza de la Bandera, where he began a hunger strike to protest for the completion of promised public works for his hometown. Sosa said that it has been a year since the works were promised, and only promises have been received.
The Listin Diario reports that Sosa was first taken to the Km. 9 Police station, then to the Naco station from where an interview at the Ministry of Public Works was coordinated. Carlos Mota, assistant to Public Works Minister Victor Diaz Rua received Sosa and assured him the first phase of the road would be completed in a month's time. Sosa has demanded completion of the Monte Cristi-Dajabon; Dajabon-Santiago de la Cruz; Santiago de la Cruz-Loma de Cabrera highway, for which a first disbursement of RD$52 million reportedly has been made. "Those works will restart and will not stop until they are completed," said Mota. He explained that the Ministry had disbursed RD$17 million for one of the stretches, another RD$15 million would be forthcoming, and another RD$20 million for the Monte Cristi-Dajabon stretch. He said that the Santiago de la Cruz-Loma de Cabrera stretch would be completed in 30 days, and in three months time, the entire border road system should be completed. He said that President Leonel Fernandez has taken an interest in completing the highway.
Sosa told the press he would head back to Dajabon to make sure the works were begun. He said he would give the government until 4 October or he would resume his strike.

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