View Full Version : The other campaign

09-18-2007, 05:30 PM
A group of youths is organizing "The Other Campaign," in which they will present proposals that they feel politicians should be making. The youths reject the clientelism that is prevalent in the political campaigns that are underway for the 18 May presidential election. "As youths we do not identify with the present electoral campaigns because we understand they have no substance or real proposals for the problems of the DR," they said. The group had made headlines earlier for organizing, "The Other Fair," where the pressing problems of the country were presented contrasting to a lavish exhibition organized by the Presidency to highlight achievements of President Leonel Fernandez into his 10 years in government last September.
"The Other Campaign" kicks off on Tuesday, 25 September at the Manuel del Cabral Auditorium of the UASD Library.
The group advocates a clean campaign, with concrete proposals, without political patronage, without corruption, nor squandering, without the practice of "where's my buck," and adhering to democratic principles and ideals, explains the group in a press release.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)