View Full Version : Fallen soldier gets citizenship

09-18-2007, 05:30 PM
Slain 22-year old Dominican soldier Juan Alcantara has received his US citizenship. He was killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb on 6 August. His parents said that Alcantara had always dreamed of becoming a US citizen, but the posthumous citizenship award "just doesn't make any sense." He leaves behind his fiancee and the baby daughter he never met.
His mom, Maria Alcantara, who spoke in Spanish as her daughter translated, said her 22-year-old son would be alive today if his tour in Iraq had ended as originally scheduled in June. Instead, his tour was extended by three months as part of President Bush's surge policy that added troops. The young soldier from New York City had asked to return home for the birth of his daughter, Jaylani Marie, on 29 June. His request was denied, as reported in the New York Daily News.
New York Representative Charles Rangel presented the certificate to Alcantara's family during a ceremony at City College.

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