View Full Version : You can eat bread

09-19-2007, 06:10 PM
The Public Health and Industry & Commerce ministries made a ruling yesterday aimed at prohibiting the use of potassium bromate in bread made in the DR. They gave traders 30 days to stop adding the substance to bread manufactured in the country. The decision came after a heated press debate on the adverse health effects of potassium bromate in bread.
The additive is used to "improve bread dough" and is said to preserve the flour for longer. The flour is imported from the United States, where a level of 50 mg/kg is permitted. According to local authorities bromate is toxic at 62mg/kg. Studies have shown that bromated flour is a cancer threat. The local authorities therefore announced gradual new limits on the level of potassium bromate in flour imported from the US. For May 2008, the maximum level of bromate in flour will be 30mg/kg. From June 2008 to January 2009, 15mg/kg will be allowed. By February 2009, potassium bromate will be totally banned as an additive in imported flour. Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) is an alternative.
Potassium bromate is a suspected carcinogen and is banned from food in Europe, Japan and Canada, but not in the United States. Though potassium bromate has not been banned in the United States, the FDA urged bakers to voluntarily stop using it since 1991. Only flours sold in California are required by law to label the addition of potassium bromate. Such flours are often referred to as "brominated".

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