View Full Version : Baseball and the pope

09-25-2007, 05:50 PM
Over the weekend, the politicians went abroad... PLD presidential candidate, President Leonel Fernandez pitched the first ball at the New York Yankees versus Toronto Blue Jays game in New York. PRD presidential candidate Miguel Vargas was in Miami where he threw the first ball in the Mets versus Marlins game at Dolphin Stadium, a game in which Pedro Martinez was the opening pitcher. Meanwhile, Amable Aristy Castro, presidential candidate for the PRSC was received by Pope Benedict XVI, together with party vice president Federico Antun Batlle and former Chamber of Deputies leader Rafaela Alburquerque. The Pope received the political delegation at his official residence at Castelgandolfo. Aristy Castro was visiting the Vatican as part of a visit by Social Christian movement leaders. The event took place on Wednesday 19 to Friday, 21 with the participation of Social Christian doctrine leaders from around the world.

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