View Full Version : Pornography center in Palmar de Ocoa

09-25-2007, 05:50 PM
The quiet seaside vacation community of Palmar de Ocoa has made headlines with the arrest of a pornography ring. As reported in Saturday's Listin Diario, police officers arrested five French citizens for trafficking in minors and pornography. In a raid on the Palmar de Ocoa residence that served as the group's center of operations, dozens of videos showing children masturbating and having sex, consuming narcotics. The bust took place on Thursday, 20 September, according to judge Pedro Quezada from Bani. The police and prosecutors arrested the house's owner, his wife and four other French adults, and a 17- year old minor who was found in possession of marijuana. In the midst of the raid, a taxi arrived with a woman and a 16-year old girl, from Bani, some 36 kilometers away. Listin Diario reported that the woman had apparently brought the girl to take part in the filming. Judge Pedro Quezada said that the four Frenchmen and the owner of the residence were sent to jail for three months, while the wife was let out on bail, as she claimed to be pregnant. The 17-year old youth was sent to the special court for children, where he will serve a month.

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