View Full Version : CONEP and the SFS

09-26-2007, 02:00 PM
The president of the National Council for Business (CONEP) said that the fledgling Family Health Insurance (SFS) program is still plagued with issues concerning the services it is offering the public. According to the CONEP, the services do not justify the amount of money being contributed to uphold the system by workers and management. CONEP president Lisandro Macarrulla told Diario Libre and other papers that over a billion pesos has already been paid into the SFS system, "more than was paid under the previous system", and he said that "there are really many deficiencies and lack of services" considering what is being paid into the system.
He said that the business sector was trying to cooperate with the government authorities in order to work out the difficulties one by one, but the government has to guarantee a level of service proportional to what is being paid into the system. CONEP's stance is that if there is an improvement and the problem areas are resolved, they will continue to work with the authorities, "but we are going to demand a quality service for our employees because we have paid for it." Company workers have seen their benefits considerably reduced, while companies are paying more for medical services, and the workers are being asked to pay more to see specialists. The president of the Dominican Medical College, Enriquillo Matos says that the explanation is that the ARS that manage the family plans want the employees to purchase complementary insurance that would restore the benefits they previously enjoyed.

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