View Full Version : Church vs. aggregate extractors

09-28-2007, 03:20 PM
The Dominican Catholic Church said today it would be vigilant so that there is not a revoking of the Ministry of Environment Resolution 16-2007 that called an end to aggregate extraction from rivers in 90 days. Extraction is outlawed as of 10 November. "The cost to repair the damages to nature is much greater than any increase in the cost of construction materials," said Monsignor Fabio Mamerto Rivas, president of the Pastoral Commission for Ecology. He urged that the nation be aware that damages to nature revert against humans and called for all to cooperate to protect the country. He spoke during the presentation of the "Ten Commandments for the Ecology" of the Catholic Church.
As reported in Clave newspaper, Juan Brea of Mon Braca aggregate company working in the Nizao River has said that it would need another six months after the 10 November deadline to relocate. The end to river basin extraction has been requested by environmentalists for years, with the government being lenient with the companies. Spokesman for the UASD environmental team, Luis Carvajal told Clave that there has been complicity of the aggregate companies with governments over the years. The Ministry of Environment under Max Puig issued the resolution on grounds that there are sufficient inland sources of aggregate so as to not have to affect the rivers. Puig was removed shortly after issuing that resolution.

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