View Full Version : Senior citizens get help

10-02-2007, 05:10 PM
The executive director of the Senior Citizen Council (CONAPE), Nathalie Maria, says that President Leonel Fernandez has allocated RD$70 million to that sector and that as of next year senior citizen centers will be converted into health service providers (PSS) under the control of CONAPE. Maria explained that 141,000 senior citizens are covered by the SFS, and 51,000 are affiliated to the solidarity welfare program. Maria added that older people would no longer have to sell their homes when they get sick because the government will have specific programs aimed at them. Maria quoted the President and Vice President, saying that no senior citizen will be left out of the health plan, even if the government has to cover the cost. Maria also explained that the value of pensions had increased by RD$3,000 for more than 70,000 people.

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